Dinner Guest

Story by Sinasa

I have decided to post another of my stories here to give the feel for what everyone is willing to put up with. This one is not nearly as tame as the last story with a lot of cheating, sex, herms with huge cocks, cum in large amounts and cuckolding. Even some rape as well. The story can be a little dark for some people so don't say I didn't warn you hehe.

For those of you though like me who enjoy that sinking feeling of being betrayed and humiliated I give you....

Dinner Guest

By Sinasa Lyre

“Look I know how you feel love, I really do.” Sinasa said with a sigh in hir voice as shi looked to hir wife who was hunched over the sink, paws soaked in the soapy water as they worked to scrub the dishes clean. “Heck, I used to fight them for god sake.”

The other tigress quickly turned to face her mate with a growl, flinging a bit of suds on the larger tigers form “No I don’t think you understand how I feel. First you come home telling me I have to make a special dinner for you on not but the smallest notice, then you tell me that… LEAF EATER is coming home with you!”

“Look, I know you don’t like the herbivores but I have to work with Eziel.” Sinasa says flatly “Look, you are just going to have to get over this dislike Violet, I want you two to get along tonight.” The large muscled herm says as shi walks to hir mate’s side, giving the more feminine tigress a warm, loving hug “Talk to her tonight okay? You might come to like the mouse.” Shi says with a warm smile but is quickly pushed away by the angry Violet.

“You are going to owe me big, but I will put up with this “Eziel” for tonight.” Violet said with a hate filled grumble, going back to work “Diner will be ready in a few minutes, not surprising that the rat is late.”

“Mouse love.. Mouse.” Sinasa says with a sigh as shi leaves the kitchen to let hir wife fume for a bit. Sinasa had always known about hir wife’s dislike for prey, it was normal after the Great War for many furs on either side to have a dislike for each other. Violet had grown up in a wealthy, traditional home that used prey animals as servants and now all that had changed, it seemed that Violet hadn’t. Sinasa understood the leaf eats point of view about things so it was normal for hir to get along with them now that they were free to intermingle with the meat eaters. It was just hard for some of what use to be the dominate species to adjust to the idea of the prey races being equals.

The large tigress walked into the living room and leaned against the couch, “this is going to be an interesting evening” Sinasa said to hirself.

Shi was shaken out of hir thoughts though by the sound of the doorbell ringing. Shi sighed and steadied hirself as shi walked to the door and opened it, revealing a small black mouse at hir door