Sibling Rivalry

Story by Sinasa

I have been checking out this site for a while now, at least a year or so and though I am a writer I have always been a little iffy about posting my own works here. First because they are furry, and I am just not to sure how the community reacts to us fur fans.

Also though because my stories deal with rather polarizing subjects such as cuckolding and cheating.

Still I found some people here requesting that I post my work so this is my new story I just finished. I lurk no more. Be warned, this story has incest, teens, furry, herm on female, cum inflation, humiliation, and cheating. If you don't like these things don't read it.

Sibling Rivalry

By Sinasa Lyre

It was finally summer. Long days in winter coats where over. In with shorts and tight tee shirts. Not that it really bothered the kitterjackal. Kasi had always felt she looked good in any kind of clothing as long as it was gothic and brooding. Yes the emo look fit her well and now that it was summer the barely adult 18 year old could show off her stuff in draping black tee shirts and tight fitting pants that hugged her shapely rear end. But it wasn't just teenaged rebellion that made our cute teen wear such clothing. It is just that she didn't seem to fit in. So as long as she wasn't going to fit in anyways she might as well make a show of it.

You see, in the high school that Kasi went to it was almost all herms. Herms and females where normally about an equal pairing in most areas as one would suspect, such is genetics. But not in this sleepy little hamlet of under a 1000. It was different here as nearly 90% of the population was hermaphrodite. Kasi wasn't sure why, maybe it was the water, Kasi also didn't care. All it meant was that she felt like she didn`t belong. She sure didn't want to be here on the campus that is for sure.

You would think if you where one of those rare females in this town you would be blessed. Herm on herm girl friends were not uncommon, especially in this town, but most herms had desires for, shall we say the opposite sex more than their own which would mean that one of the rare females in the school, of which there was only 3, would have her pick of all the herms.

So what was the problem? Well to put it bluntly, Kasi was also a dike, completely uninterested in herms and their big cocks, huge nuts and cum. She wanted nothing to do with any of those things and was much happier with another girl who didn't have any of those "problems."

When Kasi first started at school it was hell, at least to a pussy loving cock hating lesbian. Every herm in school wanting to put their dick in her, and many tried as sex was much more causal around here then most places. Sure most of the country had pretty liberal ideas about sex as herms tended to have a very over active sex drive and in a town of almost all herms that meant a lot of sex. In most parts of the world it wasn't unusual at all to see a lot of lovers hidden away in alleys and behind buildings enjoying themselves,