Davina's Discovery

Story by ftv01

This is something I've been working on for a while now. It's a work of pure fantasy, logically and physically impossible, but not impossible in the mind...



Davina's Awakening


The woman walking by the end of the alley way stopped and peered down into the dim afternoon light. She could see someone standing down there, behind a dumpster. She could see the blonde hair on top of the head that barely rose above the lid, moving slowly back and forth. Whimpers were coming from the person. Protests? The woman could not walk away with the slim chance that someone was being mis-treated. She stepped slowly down the alley, looking about. As she got closer, the whimpers became clearer. She still could not tell if they were joyous or painful.

The woman called softly.

"Young lady...are you alright?" She didn't want to risk herself being hurt if some unseen attacker was molesting the girl. She could see her face over the dumpster. Red. Sweating. The girl looked about 18 or 19, her eyes half-closed, mouth hanging open, saliva dripping from one corner as her body moved, her breath coming in deep gasps.

The woman stifled a squeal as she peered around the corner of the dumpster, the scene becoming clear. She clapped a hand over her mouth, staring for a few seconds. It was as if the girl did not even realise the woman was there! The woman turned, running back to the street, both horrified and intrigued at what she had seen. Intrigued. Yes. As she reached the end of the alley and slowed her pace, smoothing her hair as she rejoined the pedestrian flow, she heard a muffled cry from the girl behind the dumpster.


Davina became an orphan when both her parents were killed in a tragic train derailment. Davina was supposed to have been on the train, but stayed behind with her aunt when she fell ill. The next six months of Davina's 14th year was a blur, skipping school and spending too much time underneath a road bridge, reflecting on things and becoming severely depressed. Her aunt could not help her, and took her to see several Doctors to try to assist Davina out of her stupor.

Davina gradually returned to her senses, going to school and satisfying her aunt and uncle that she was studying as hard as she could. She became more active in sports, playing softball and joining the girl's basketball team just as she turned 15. For the next year, Davina studied, played her sport, and began a part time job at the local mall. After she turned 16, Davina met a group of girls who be