Roanan Saga: Marqui de Sod

Story by ShreddedRagdoll

Here I am again. It always seems that when I go a long time without writing I tend to write like a madman when I finally get back to it. So, I hope you are willing to put up with my proliferation for a bit.

This story goes back in time in my Roanan Saga. It starts approximately two weeks prior to Slumber Party Tales and will work its way up to finish the day after that story took place. I am introducing a few new characters and branching out the racial diversity of Roanan a bit as well.

And now my usual disclaimers. This story will involve sexual relations between futas and females. It will also involve sexual relationships between adults and underage girls. If the first offends you then you are in the wrong forum to begin with and should escape while you still can. If the second is not your interest then I recommend you do not read this story.

One last note; I am famous for being long winded and taking my time. This story is a bit plot heavy with a sex scene pay off at the end. You have been warned! Heh. As always, I am eager for any feedback, questions or comments.


Marqui sat gazing pensively out the window of the office, her eyes watching various of her team mates chatting and joking with one another as they crossed the parking lot to their vehicles. Most of them had cleaned up, washed away the sweat from training camp and put on their civilian attire for their last evening of freedom before the last two week push of camp occurred. As of tomorrow morning they would not be allowed evenings and weekends home with their loved ones; it would be one long haul until their first game of the season. Despite the coach’s prohibition on sex during the Hornet’s training camp, Marqui suspected many of them would get laid that night as a buffer against the enforced two week stint of abstinence.

Marqui was not one of them. Not that she wouldn’t have loved to sink her cock deep into her lover’s body, but discipline was something to which the star player was prone. Rules were meant to be obeyed, there was no way around it. Despite the crawling need that had become a living thing in her gut every time she even looked at Chelsea these days, she simply could not go against her nature. It explained why her attitude had been somewhere south of grouchy these past weeks. Her twin sister, Rayni, had not helped the situation in the least bit by taking full advantage of being the only one available to fuck their mutual lover senseless. Marqui had always known her sister had a cruel streak, but the number of times she’d taken Chelsea while Marqui listened on in a simmering stew of frustration had delved into the realms of pure sadism.

The last of her team mates got into their cars and drove away. And now they really were her team mates. Coach Sybil had just announced the last of the pre-season cuts that very day. Only the actual team members were allowed to come