Story by misfit446


Alisa knew something was going on with her older brother Bobby. He was gone a lot and was making a shit load of money. Some in the family thought it was from drugs. Their father was already dead from being a coyote. A rival group made sure the honest man was killed. Though, it was found out later he had killed several evil Mexican coyotes before for rape and pedophilia. After a gut wrenching funeral, Alisa confronted her brother.

“Just what the fuck are you into that you can make so much cash?” she asked out of the blue. They had just returned from the reception for family and friends. It was late and he was tired.

“Is it drugs?”


“Then what?”

“Shhh. Fuck Al, shut up. What do you care, anyway?”

“Because you are the head of the family now. Papa is gone. You must now be the leader and protector.”

“Pfft,” he giggled out. “Yeah, right. Like Ma’s gonna let that happen. Are you nuts?”

“No. It’s part of our tradition, our national identity.”

“The only thing that is MY national identity is this,” Bobby said, grabbing his crotch.

“What? Your dick? What’s that got to do with it?”

“Listen Al, I’m gonna tell you a big secret. And you have to swear you never EVER tell anyone.” He stared into her brown eyes intensely.

“Okay, fine. What is it?”

He continued to stare at her for several more moments. Alisa felt the heaviness in the air. Then Bobby turned, sat at his computer got onto the internet.

With trepidation, Alisa walked over and stood behind him, looking over his head at the computer screen.

She gasped as he came to a site that showed a lurid front page of naked girls and guys fucking them.

“What’s all that? Some jack off site? Bobby, I thought you were dating Amanda.”

“I am. But watch,” he said, typing in a password and came to a page of movie links. “Let’s see, which one should I, ahhh, this one is awesome.” He clicked the link and the movie app opened, providing a viewing box.

The movie started. It was a large van driving about as a big titted girl was blowing a rather large brown cock. Alisa felt a twitch inside her body and knew she was getting wet immediately. “That’s a big cock,” she heard herself saying aloud.

“Yeah, I know. It’s mine.”

Alisa gasped, stepped back from the chair held a hand to her mouth. “No way.”

Bobby turned to look at her. “It’s true. Why do you think Amanda is always over here?”

“Well, I, I just thought she liked you.”

“She does. A lot.”

“But I don’t understand all this,’ Alisa said, waving her hand toward the computer.

“It’s a sight called the VAG VAN. We go around looking for girls who want to fuck a big cock.”

“What? You’re fucking around on Amanda?”

“Hell ya. And making good money too.”

“H-how much?”

“I make a thousand a fuck.”

“No way!”