Story by misfit446


Monica and her sister Abby were picking strawberries on the family farm. At fifteen, Monica was beginning to mature as a young woman should. Abby, at only eleven still had a young girl’s build.

Filling up their baskets as they went down the row, Abby watched the wind whip up Monica’s skirt, revealing her rounded ass and puffy pussy. They usually didn’t wear underwear at home.

That sight alone had begun a familiar and daily routine. Feeling her girl cock inflate with lust, Abby spoke up.

“Hey Monica, can we sit in the shed for awhile?”

Monica stood up straight and turned to her little sister. “Is it that time again?”

“Yeah, I just saw your coochie and I feel it happening.”

“Well, we can take a break. We’ve filled two bushels already. Come on, let’s grab some water at the pump and sit down.”

With their thirsts slaked, they sat in the shed that had been converted into a screened in party area for their parents to entertain in.

“Whew, it sure is hot,” Monica said, pulling the summer dress up and over her head, revealing her nude nubile body to her little sister.

Without a word, Abby pulled up her sheer dress to her waist, revealing her fifteen inch, impossibly thick cock. It laid on the settee like a beached whale. Her foreskin stretched back as the pink colored cock knob began to peek out.

“I can smell it. You sure got it bad today,” Monica said as she sat next to her sister. She examined the huge bludgeon with a practiced eye. She’d seen it many times, but today seemed different. “You’re getting bigger though.” With that said, she grabbed Abby’s cock and shoved it against the eleven year old’s thigh. Her girl cock actually reached past her knee.

“Look at it. It’s never been that long before.”

“I ain’t hard yet,” Abby stated. Monica squeezed her fist around the warm cock.

“Yeah, but you’re gettin’ there.”

“If you keep that up I will be,” Abby giggled, spreading her thin legs wider. Monica shifted her body, laying a leg over her baby sisters to get close to the still inflating cock.

Monica’s fist still squeezed Abby’s cock just below the inflating cock head. The foreskin pulled back on it’s own as the head increased in circumference to the size of an orange. The shaft also began to expand forcing Monica’s fist apart.

“Squeeze harder,” Abby said with a groan.

Monica obeyed but couldn’t really make any headway. Abby’s cock was just too strong. With a strained grunt, Monica watched her fist open even more as the future pussy pleaser increased in size to impossible proportions.

“Wow,” Monica whispered breathlessly. “I love feeling you gettin’ hard.” She placed her other hand around the bloating baby bat and even with both sets of fingers could not now reach all the way around. Abby’s cock was warm and getting very heavy.

Abby smiled at that. She sure love