Runic Experiments

Story by WotanAnubis

TITLE: Runic Experiments

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis

FANDOM: Suikoden V

DISCLAIMER: I don't own the Suikoden series or any of its characters. No profit is made.

PAIRING: Nikea/Zerase


NOTE: Hmm. Nikea/Zerase. Unlikely pairing or unlikeliest pairing?

* * * * *

"Ah, just the woman I wanted to see."

Nikea blinked with surprise. She wasn't really used to hearing that sentence when she was anywhere near, except when she owed people money. She especially didn't expect to hear it in Zerase's cold voice. Yet that was exactly what had just happened.

"Me?" she asked, turning to the pale druid in black.

"Is there anyone else here?" Zerase asked.

"Guess not," Nikea said. "So what do you want?"

"I happen to be in possession of a rather rare rune. I would like to see what you would do with it."

"What? Why?"

"My reasons will soon be evident, I think," Zerase said. "And in compensation for your assistance I will prepare a dinner for you."

Nikea brightened up considerably at that. "Really? You can cook?"

The bearer of the Star rune gave her a long, slow look. "Very well, I shall buy you dinner at whatever establishment you wish. In exchange for bearing the rune."

"Deal," said Nikea.

Zerase abruptly turned and headed down the corridor without looking to see if she followed her. "This way."

"Hey, uhm," Nikea said, "this... this isn't going to turn out to be one of those True Runes, right?"

"Don't be absurd."

"Right. Just checking," Nikea said as she took the few strides necessary to draw level with the pale druid.


Zerase's room was pretty depressing. There was a bed, a closet, a carpet and nothing else. There was absolutely nothing about it that even hinted that the woman did anything more than sleeping here. If she actually slept. Nikea was still a bit unsure on that point and not too keen on asking directly if it turned out the answer was going to be 'no'.

Zerase headed for her closet and took out a sealed orb. It glowed softly red.


"Where are you going to place it?" Nikea asked.

"It will place itself."

"What do you...?"

Warm red light filled Nikea's vision, but only for a moment. When it faded, the druid's hand was empty. Nikea checked the backs of her hands, but couldn't find the Rune there.

"Forehead, then?" she said.

"No," Zerase replied.

"Then wh-"

Nikea's eyes grew wide and a blush exploded all over her face. Zerase grinned coldly.

"What is...?"

"I'll turn around, shall I?" Zerase said. "Give you a moment of privacy."

The moment the pale druid had turned her back, Nikea undid her sash and her green pants. And there it was. In the places where her pubes had been a rune she didn't recognise adorned her smooth, tanned skin. Its faint red glow faded even as she watched. Probably because...


Because it had finished giving her a dick.

"Wh- What's this?" Nikea said.

"If I were to hazard a guess, it's the effect of the rune," Zerase said calmly.

"You knew this was going to happen?" Nikea ask