Story by misfit446

Here's part 2. Still now video store but it is coming. Please keep reading.


Diane awoke, sore, tired and totally pleased sexually. Her brother Ray had touched so many places inside her body she didn’t know where to start. She felt so satisfied that there was nothing else to do but sigh contentedly.

Stretching, Diane sat up. She looked over at her brother. He was snoring. She giggled softly. ‘He really fucked me hard. God, my first fuck,’ she thought. ‘How can I compare that fuck with anyones? It was with my loving brother,’ she thought.

She sat there watching Ray breathe softly as she remembered how his hot gasping breath blew her hair about her face as he shoved his thick dick into her pussy, churning her juices and making her toes curl as she felt herself cum, her first cum, wash over her like a freight train.

Though she should be tired, she wasn’t. She felt surprisingly awake and tingly. Ray was a good brother and one great fuck. He took her over and over again, in many positions. Diane felt her pulse race now, remembering when he took her like a dog. His cock touched places she didn’t know she even had, finally emptying his pent up lust into her womb.

Diane patted her stomach softly, relishing the feeling as he hosed her insides with his virile spunk. Standing, she walked into the bathroom and began to pee. She was careful to keep her cock off of the cool bowl.

She finished, shook and pulled out the dregs, then flushed. She turned and saw Ray getting out of bed. Even soft, his cock was big. She eyed it shifting as he moved.

“Mornin’,” he mumbled as he edged past her, their cocks brushing. He sighed heavily as his piss thundered into the toilet.

“Last night was great,” Diane said.

“Yeah,” Ray said, finishing his pee. Diane watched how her brother shook and drew out his dick. ‘Just like how I do it,’ she thought.

“So what do you wanna do?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, are we staying or going?” Diane asked.

“I think we should go. I don’t like that cop asking questions.”


The two cleaned up, walked over to Ethel’s and got some breakfast, both sharing one plate of eggs and bacon.

“So, how are you two?” Ethel asked friendly.

“Good thanks,” Diane answered.

“Still going to Colorado?”

“California,” Ray growled out, wiping his lips with a napkin.

“Oh, that’s right.”

“Come on,” Ray said to Diane, stood up and dropped a dollar on the counter. Ethel watched them go, then made a phone call.

They walked for an hour, following a country road past large farms and ranches. The air was clean and warm. At first, Ray would tense up at the sound of vehicles driving by, but soon relaxed and didn’t much care now. Diane was oblivious to any danger and walked and talked away, carefree, pulling wild flowers as they went.

The two reached another small town. They