Story by misfit446

A quick chap but it's important. No sex here so no fapping. Well, go ahead. Linty is fucking HOT, but anyway, read and enjoy. There will be more good stuff cumming.


Linty was pissed, majorly. She didn’t like what happened, nor how it happened. But she decided that it wasn’t going to happen again, if she could help it.

After dinner, she cornered Skye and literally pulled her toward the lake.

“What are you doing? Fucking let me go you”

Linty flared her nostrils as she worked to pull the unwilling girl to the water. Finally she spun the fucking bitch and faced her.

“Listen you fucking cunt, YOU were the one that caused me all these bruises.”


“Yes, YOU, Zedha. Come out. We all need to talk. Right fucking now.”

Skye blinked at her like she was an alien. Then her body lurched and she was thrown to her knees.

Linty watched raptly, the t shirt Skye wore was shredding as full wings flared out, whipping about the cool air.

“Okay Zedha or whatever your fucking name is, you have NO RIGHT to do this,” Linty cried out, her voice flowing across the large lake.

“You cannot order me around, a mere human,” Skye’s mouth said, though the eyes were bright red.

“Let me talk with my sister,” Linty heard in her head. “NO,” she spat out. She paced about Skye’s kneeling body, avoiding the sharp prongs at the joints of the bat like wings. ‘Is that what mine look like?’ Linty thought.

“Let me out!” a voice screeched inside her head. She put her hands to her ears and knew immediately that it was futile. “NO!”

“You don’t have the bracelet!”

‘I have my WILL!’ she screamed into her head, as she still circled about the kneeling, stinking being.

“This is going to STOP!” Linty shouted out. “Never again. You can’t do this anymore.”

“A mere human, ordering the great Nephilim. You will die.”

Linty stopped and faced Skye/Zedha menacingly. She had no fear now. “You will not kill your sister, will you?”

Skye/Zedha blinked and shut up.

“So we are having this meeting right now to stop you two from doing anything that we, Skye and me do not want.”

“Kito paso femwor,” Skye/Zedha spat out.

“Gryn semtha dey su asala,” Linty heard her mouth speak.

“Fuck both of you,” Linty shouted, using her brain to suppress Lemedh as deep as she could. “Skye, you have to try and come out.”

“How?” she heard Skye squeak out.

“Form a huge cloud about Zedha and force her inside, then shove it deep down. Put the cloud into the deepest hole you know of.”

She watched Skye’s face grimace with the effort. “Come on Skye, you can do it.”

With a loud sigh, Skye blinked her eyes. Linty made sure to look directly into them, They were not red. “Good job.”

“What the fuck is going on?”

“Skye, you’re lying