Rock Star

Story by rubbav5

Second Story: I am way to lazy to make a warning for this


"You!" is heard as the last note resonate from the stereo as the crowd goes wild as Julies Heart's latest song ends. The excited screams from the crowd echoed past the concert and enter street beyond. "Thank you Sheldale, Good Night" Heart said as she ran off the stage with her that was still being followed by the crowd's scream. They ran into a room that was moderately roomy in which every piece of furniture was cushioned scarlet. The punk star sat down on a large red sofa chair and sighed. "Well, that was the worst crowd ever" she exclaimed to the room at large brushing her reddish hair out of her face. "Oh, come on Julie" Rex the drummer said when on the crimson couch by the red lamp reading a punk magazine, "at least they cheered".

"They always cheer, there's nothing special about that"

"There was nothing special about that song," Grey joked laying on the red carpet in a punk way.

"Fuck off, Grey" Heart said with an aura of menace. Grey shook slightly, but in a punk way.

"I think all that Grey's trying to say is that, your, your premiere album was well..." a timid voice in the corner call out which completely contrasted the punk theme in the room. It came from Rin, the band's bespectacled manger.

"Who asked you Rin, if it wasn't for that brain of yours, you wouldn't even be here" Heart screamed at her manger. Rin flinched and tried to hide herself in the books she was carrying. "Well," Heart said with a sigh "I better get back to writing a whole album's not goin' to write itself you know. Rin can you bring us drinks." Rin gave a half bow and practically ran out of the red room with her braid ponytail bobbing behind her. Once Rin was out of ear shot Rex gave a low whistle. "Man, Rin gots some great tits"

"Ah! you pig fuck" the punk princess yelled in exasperation

"Oh," Grey mocked boldly "Is the little punk diva upset because she has small tits"

Heart blushed deep red to match the room and crossed her arms, "Fuck off"

"Lighten up Heart" Grey continued. "Yeah, you need to get laid"

Julie opened her mouth but just then no least than four slutty groupies walked in. Grey and Rex immediately stood up and grabbed to groupies each and strutted to their rooms leaving Heart alone. A minute later Rin came back with their drinks, cherry soda. " They already left" Rin said placing the tray of drinks down on a red coffee table and backed away slowly. "Sit" Heart said quitely. "What?" Rin said. "I said sit!" Rin quickly sat down on the couch that use to hold Rex. "What's different about my music now than then." Heart said sadly.

"Well back than I guess you were just doing it to be hap- happy" Rin said shakily.

"I see"

"Look if ever need anything, anything at all I'm here to help. I'll do anything Julie". Heart went silence, stood up, and walked away to her room. Later Rin having no idea of what she had done followed suit.

Rin had