Futa Inc

Story by SAM™

this is my first story,never written anything and probably never will so.

i wrote it yesterday night.

this story is dedicated to hachi.

thanks mini for burnproofing it. and the guys over at peeko.you know who you are.

any coments or questions are welcome.


This story is about "futa Inc" a company that has developed a pill that can instantly transform woman to a futa. They don't have the facilities to mass produce the pill so they decide to merge with "trans build" a lesser company that has state of the art facilities, ideal for producing this pill en mass.


The black limo stopped outside the iron gates. A woman came out, petite but firm on her course of action. After all miss Nicky was adamant about it, her words still echoing in Suzy’s mind, "you will decline every single offer they will make to you, you hear me? Now get me some coffee and be swift about it." Suzy hated her for her arrogant behaviour.

Miss Nicky had a Victorian look about her. Red hair, tall and slim and an arrogant look, looking down on everyone. A true bitch most of the time. Always demanding and she always got what she wanted. Suzy thought to herself "I mustn’t fail, this job is

important and I don’t want to displease miss Nicky. Lest I hear her bitching for the next week, or even worse lose my job"

The time was 8 o'clock, Suzy looked at the gate guard, a fat man with a belly probably made by drinking innumerable cans of beer, his head had started balding and his hair was graying at the edges. "excuse me I have an appointment with vice president Iren, could you open the gate for me asked Suzy"

"Yes miss wait a minute, the buzzer sounded and the heavy gate opened"

Suzy could see a great garden full of flowers of every kind and colour adorning the surroundings. The morning sun reflected on the fountain in the middle of the garden, a true marvel. Suzy had heard that the president of Futa Inc. spared no expenses

And was a person of great influence in the business world. Mr. Sam had owned the company for many years and had made it one of the Richest Company’s worldwide. He was also one of the top 10 richest people in the world with a bank account comprised of several zeros.

Suzy wondered what the interior of the building would be like. She entered hesitantly and approached the reception. "Excuse me I have an appointment with miss Iren, which floor is her office located?"

"Miss Iren is on the 9th floor, a level below Mr. Sam's penthouse, the elevator is down this hallway"

Thank you replied Suzy and went to the elevator. The hallway had a thick carpet dressing the floor, and colourful tapestries on all the walls. Probably made of some expensive material thought Suzy. It was a mixture of modern and classical design, so

popular these days.

Suzy entered the elevator