Relic's of a Lost Prince

Story by WolfDragonGod

Hey guys and girls it’s me WDG back again with a new story whether ya like it or not I couldn’t tell ya. Also I will be working on book two for my other story soon, so don’t kill me jut yet. Once again thanks to SRB for beta.

Summary – Have you ever thought that you just didn’t belong? That you just didn’t fit in? Then you’re right, the world you leave in isn’t real…or is it. Follow Ri and find out for yourself.

~Chapter One~

Dark blue eyes closed as the sounds of the world around them came to a soft stop. Calm breaths echoed off the wall, sounding like a whisper to anyone who dared to try and hear them. She lay there dead to the world, curled in a ball, head resting on her knees, arms wrapped around her. Her hair had grown long and her body seemed in a sickly skinny shape almost as if she had never eaten in her life, pale skin with marks on it.

The marks look like chains all wrapped around her, keeping her locked up, but they were nothing but markings, they seemed to glow every now and then a deep red. Almost as if they were alive, some would say they were others would say not. She slept under the watch of all eyes in room, in the water filled tank with tubes coming out of her body to keep her alive.

She didn’t even know they were there, though that was probably a good thing. Computer screens were all around the room, filled with statistics of her body, mind, and health. She had been asleep for so long but now, now was time for her to wake up. Her world need her once more, she just didn’t know it yet.

~World of Life~

She sat there just staring at the black board as her teacher wrote down the stupid problems. The class sucked and so did this stupid school her parents just had to move again and bring her along. Sighing she leaned back her eyes taking in the ceiling around her when she just seemed to zone out. The ceiling faded and in its place was a dark sky and a man standing over her with a smug look on his face and a bloody sword in hand.

He brought the blade down and blue eyes darted to the front of the class her heart leaping in her chest. It was always the same wither awake or a sleep she always saw him, and he was always killing her, or at least she thought he was killing her. Hearing the bell she clambered up out her seat as usual and walked out of the room, sneakers dragging the ground as she walked. Her boy uniform look tattered and old but they were used, after all she didn’t have the money for new ones, and neither did her parents.

Her locker was rusted and always hard to open as always. Yanking the stupid thing open she didn’t care if it almost hit the person beside her in the head, they should have just not been in her way. Walking back outside she made her way from school to the parking lot then down the street. Hood over her head she keep her eyes on the walk way watching as her feet skid across the pavement, so you couldn’t blame her for not seei