The Adventures of Berry Finn

Story by Gif Author

I've been lurking here shamelessly for awhile. I dunno how much I'll contribute now, but I've at least got some stories to share!

I've been going over old literature; Huckleberry Finn happens to be my current read. Natch, I was inspired by it, and natch, I added my own dirty twist. So, I've switched a few characters around, mostly from male to female, borrow from some existing stories in the book, and made up some of my own. I've got 8 so far, which I'll post all at once, since they're pretty much as done as I care to make 'em.

Please keep in mind the original spirit of the book, and the use of the word "nigger" as such. I'm simply borrowing from the feel of the book, in an attempt to be as lazy as possible! No insult meant, honest.

These stories contain futa, cum inflation, mild and strong rape, incest, young girls, sounding and bestiality. Let your own perversions be your compass! How the stories start and where they end wasn't as important to me as the naughty bits. Enjoy!


Story 3, The Shepherdsons

My name's Berry Finn. I grown up mostly apart from other bodies by my own choosin', but I clung to my home town of St. Petersburg for awhile. I liked bein' alone, not jus' 'cause there wasn't hardly no interestin' bodies around, but 'cause of my secret. I'm a girl, ya see, but there's more to it than that. I got dark brown hair, blue eyes, what I reckon to be a graceful figure with a thin waist and small breasts. Ta look at me, a body'd never know I weren't a normal teen girl, wearin' a normal girl's dress. But they's that secret I mentioned! See, I don't just got girl bits in my nethers, I got boy bits too! Not just boy bits neither, uncommon sized boy bits! That's why I keep apart from other bodies, I'd be right looked down on if a body learnt my secret!

I left St. Petersburg in a hurry an' took a raft south down the Mississippi after I tricked my Pap and jus' 'bout every body in town I's dead. Kilt by robbers, they reckoned, once they sawed the sight I set up at Pap's cabin. Part way down the river, a steam boat done crashed into my raft, sendin' me overboard! I swum for the nearest shore and took to walkin' no particular way. I come across a farm, reckoned by and by I'd slip in and find somethin' t' eat, maybe somethin' t' borrow. I snuck around the yard when a group 'a dogs started a-barkin'. I froze there in the night, hopin' they'd stop so's I could get away. But they didn't! "Don't you move now, hear?" a man's voice said. "What's your name?" he called, "You ain't no Shepherdson is you?" "Georgette Jackson, sir." I says pullin' the name from lord knows where. A few minutes gone by and he called out, "Come up to the house now, nice and slow. Don't you run and don't you dodd