The Book of Sexcraft and Very Kinky Spells - A collection of ero Hogwarts stories

Story by Trace

I was recently inspired to start writing stories about students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I finally finished the first one! I'm posting it here for you now. All students are non-canon characters, and these take place maybe a year or two after the end of Book 7. All the subsequent stories I write will be posted in this thread as well. I hope you enjoy it! The first one doesn't have any futas in it, but that'll be in the next one for sure. ^^

The Virjinity Jinx -

Julian Daniels sat down at the table in the Great Hall with the rest of Gryffindor, having only just been let out from class. Professor Slughorn had kept everyone late in Potions because no one’s concoction looked thick enough. N.E.W.T.-level Potions was a very nasty course indeed, and Julian still had another year of it to go if he could get through this one. He ran his fingers through his short brown hair and his blue eyes darted around the table in search of his friends.

Thankfully, his sixth year at Hogwarts was almost half-finished. Today was the start of the Winter holidays, and everyone except those that signed up to stay would be leaving Hogwarts to spend Christmas with their families. Julian was staying because his mother was going away to visit relatives, and Julian told her he’d much rather stay at school than pretend to enjoy opening about a hundred sweaters in front of very old family members. There was also the fact that he would be the only Prefect staying over holidays, which made him feel very important.

The end of term feast was marvelous, and Julian found Hogwarts food enjoyable at even the worst of times. He’d just finished his second slice of what one of the muggle-born girls was calling ‘pizza’, when the Headmistress, Professor Minerva McGonagall, walked past his table.

“Mister Daniels,” she said, barely stopping on her way to the staff table, “Madam Pomfrey would like to see you in the Hospital Wing immediately.”

“But..” Julian stood from the table and walked after her a few steps. “Professor, I’m not sick.”

“Be that as it may, Mister Daniels,” Professor McGonagall stopped and turned to face him. “She asked to see you before the feast was over. I’ll send food up to the common room later if you’re still hungry after you’ve finished with her. Just tell Madam Pomfrey and she will let me know. Now, off with you!”

As the Headmistress turned and went to sit at the staff table, Julian sighed and walked towards the door. He noticed on his way that a few Slytherins had just entered and were finding their way to their seats. They looked incredibly pleased with themselves.

“Those Slytherins must not have seen this… what the…” Julian stopped outside the door, looking out into the entrance hall at the large hourglasses that kept track of house