Meeting in the Rain

Story by WotanAnubis

TITLE: Meeting in the Rain

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis

FANDOM: Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga or any characters from it. No profit is made.


PAIRING: Argilla/Jinana

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After death the body ascends into the sky only to return to the earth again as rain. This was a fact. Not long ago it would have been little more than just one more fact amongst the many that made up the Junkyard. But lately this particular little fact had taken on more significance for Argilla. She didn't know why.

No, that wasn't completely true. She knew part of the why. It had something to do with Jinana and what had happened at the Solid's Citadel. Argilla had felt a strange kind of empty ache inside her chest since then and the rain took some of it away somehow. It was almost as if part of Jinana was still with her when she was out in the rain. It was an absurd notion, but then again existence in the Junkyard had become absurd anyway.

Argilla sat down against a wall of the Embryon base and closed her eyes, letting the endless drizzle soak her clothes. It had been a long day and the susurrous of the endless rain soothed her. It drained her body of the tension that had built up and even managed to wash away her fatigue.

A small jingling sound startled her out of her rest and she opened her eyes to see a familiar small black animal. It stared at her intently for a while, then suddenly looked away to its right. Argilla followed its gaze and saw nothing. Then a figure began to emerge from the rain.

Argilla jumped to her feet when the distant shape slowly collapsed into that of Jinana. Before long the green-haired, green-eyed woman stood in front of her, the corners of her mouth pointing slightly up.

"How?" was all Argilla managed.

"I don't know," Jinana replied. "I needed to be here."

Argilla couldn't believe her eyes. What they told her was not possible. Yet they were telling her this anyway. She reached out hesitantly and touched Jinana's arm. The woman felt very real, too.

"Strange, isn't it?" said Jinana as she covered Argilla's hand with her own.

Argilla nodded mutely and carefully pulled her hand away.

"It's really you, isn't it?"

"It seems that way," Jinana replied.

"But you look different somehow."

"How do you mean?" Jinana asked.

"I don't know," said Argilla. "Just... different."

The pink-haired sniper let her eyes wander across Jinana's body. Her green hair was still the same model, still obscuring one eye. A red tear was still tatooed underneath her visible eye. Her barely dressed body was still feet, her legs still long and slender.

Ah, there it was. Her grey thong was different. It bulged for some reason.

Jinana looked down, apparently following her gaze.

"Ah yes," she said. "That."

"How did you get it?" Argilla asked.

"Our bodies are nothing more than an assemblage of information," Jinana replied. "Information that can be changed. That has been changed."
