EFQ (Chapter 3 is here!)

Story by Beatrix

Hello FP \^_^/ here's a new story from me!

I know you've all been waiting for Sakana 3 mostly, but that's still in production, this is the little project that pulled me from my writer's block so give it a chance. ^_^

Some tags I guess: futa on female, videogames and... fantasy. Yay :p

Erotic Fantasy Quest


Chapter 1 - Log-on


Nadia sighed as she pushed the door shut behind her, it was way too warm today. It had been even worse back in town, and the half-hour bike ride to get there didn't make things easier. But it was worth it, or at least it had better be. She took off her backpack and searched inside for a moment before pulling out a small plastic bag.

She'd been looking forward to this game from the moment it was first announced. As she walked into her bedroom she pulled the case from the bag, on the front was a busty dark elf standing on the edge of a moon-lit city. Nadia grinned at the hardly discernible but definitely present bulge in the elf's pants, that was the kind of subtlety she'd been looking for.

She walked to her window, the sun beamed down into her room and directly on her monitor. Nadia pressed the power button on her computer as she passed her desk, with a soft hum it sprang to life. She then took the manual from the case and shut her curtain so she'd actually be able to read what was on her screen. And who knew? It might even help cool down her room a bit.

Her computer was still booting so she set herself down on the bed and started reading the manual. Of course she'd read up on everything that had been said about it online, but it was different somehow to have the actual booklet in your hand. She quickly skipped past the health and safety warnings and system requirements. She knew she'd be able to run it, even had some parts replaced just for this game.

She flipped through the book, impatient to get started. The drawings were done very well though, most of them were pretty standard fare for a fantasy game. Medieval towns, roaring dragons, shining armour, but quite a lot of them were far more suggestive than you'd expect. Of course the large 18+ tag on the back of the case was a pretty clear hint that there was more to this game, but it was still a surprising sight what picture she found between the pages explaining character classes.

It was a high elf wearing chain mail, she was squatting suggestively with her staff between her legs. Though her armour covered pretty much all of the rest of her body the crotch was completely exposed. Her pussy was pressed against the staff and had even been given a subtle shine so everybody would have a very clear idea what she was doing.

Nadia swallowed, if the game allowed things even half that seductive then this would have totally been worth the wait. Looking up at her computer she noticed that it had long since finished its start-up sequence and was ready to install the game. Quickly she