
Story by WotanAnubis


AUTHOR: WotanAnubis

FANDOM: Winx Club

DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters and am not making a profit.


PAIRING: Tecna/Tecna

NOTE: Just a quick, little PWP thrown together for no good reason.

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Tecna's fingers flew across her keyboard, writing lines upon lines of code. It was Saturday during the second week of summer vacation and Tecna was hard at work, mostly because she was bored. True, there were a great many things a girl her age could be doing other than sitting in her room typing code, and Tecna knew that, if she concentrated hard enough, she could probably remember one or two of them.

She missed Alfea. Primitive as the place was, she had friends there. Of course, she'd made plans to hang out with them during their vacation (or, more accurately, they had made plans and Tecna had agreed to them), but in the meantime Tecna had to find ways to amuse herself.

Which was what she was doing. There was something intensely satisfying about seeing all those 1's and 0's line up in perfect obedience. It was so satisfying, in fact, that she was going to great lengths to overcomplicate things. There were numerous base programs she could use to build upon, a simple scan would provide all the AI data she wanted and, really, she could magic everything together if she really had to. But Tecna didn't want to do anything like that. She wanted to build everything up from ground level and code every aspect of the AI on her own without using the obvious shortcuts. It might have been a horribly inefficient waste of time, but it was her time to waste.

The rattling of keys continued for a while longer and then stopped. Tecna leaned back in her chair, allowing herself the satisfied smile of a job well done. She stood up and walked to her bed, where she had carefully laid out her VR suit. In her opinion it wasn't a proper VR suit at all. Two bright orange gloves lined with black and a gaudy purple visor did not constitute a 'suit'. The thing was far more magical than it was technological, but it did at least serve its intended purpose.

Tecna put on the gloves and rested the visor on her forehead. She walked back to her computer to upload her newly written program into the suit. After that, it was simply a matter of lowering the visor over her eyes and suit's mixture of magic and technology would take care of the rest.


The floor was black. That is, presumably there was a floor, because Tecna felt herself standing on something. But she couldn't really see it because everything was black. The only splash of colour here was herself.

Tecna felt vaguely disappointed. She programmed several locations, all of them much more interesting than a mere black void. For a brief moment, she considered the possibility that there was a bug somewhere in her code that had resulted in this disappointing environment. But no, it was probably a limitation of the suit she was wearing. Though, to its credit, she could not actual