Bang in the Proposal

Story by srb

Don't read if under 18 or illegal in your little corner of the world, like you'll listen. This should appear only on my site F3, Futanari Palace, and basically should be wherever Pal's stuff is. Also at the Grey Archive, and some other places they might end up, they know who they are. Any websites that want to host my story must have expressed written consent to do so. I will list all websites that I have granted permission to list my stories there. If you are reading this now and find this on a new website, then please email me at somerandombastard (at) yahoo (dot) com

This is copyright me, so don’t call it yours. Feedback can be left here. I created all the characters, they are all fictional, and any relevance to anyone living or dead, is incidental. I created the entire fictional universe in which they inhabit, if you’re interested in writing in this world than feel free to email me. I’ve pretty willing.

This is the conclusion to Bang in the Yulelog. Not necessary to read it, but it couldn’t hurt. Another one day story. Enjoy.

Bang in the Proposal

Amy nervously sat in the coffee shop. Well it wasn’t really a coffee shop. It was just a Dunkin Donuts, but it was technically a shop that sold coffee. She drank her coffee, checking up every other second.

Just a week ago, she had another wild threesome with her best friend, Jennifer, and her boyfriend Paul. Or perhaps she should call him her fiancé. That night he had shown her the rock she was going to give Jen, and it was a doozie. It was too perfect.

But he hadn’t given it to her. At least, she hadn’t been told, and she knew Jen. Jen would be calling everyone and their grandmother to brag about the rock, and sending high quality pictures to everyone with her digital camera…after sending out the pics from her cell phone, of course.

Then this afternoon at work, Paul called her up, and Amy couldn’t tell…why. She had always felt this animosity between the two of them, and she knew exactly why.

‘I’m the ‘other guy’’ She thought to herself.

“Hey,” Paul said from behind, startling her slightly.

“Oh, hey, what’s up?” Amy asked, trying to steady herself.

“Nothing, want to go for a ride?” he asked, a little sourly.

“Well, yeah, I guess so,” she said, following him out to the exit.

“We’ll take my ride, I’ll drive you back,” he said, waving towards his Prius.

“Okay,” Amy said, wondering just what this was all about. She checked her cell phone, just to be safe. Paul was nice enough, but a girl could never be too careful.

She climbed into the cold car, thankful for the hot coffee in her hands to keep them warm.

“So, what’s up? Did you pop the question yet?” Amy asked