Green Venom series

Story by VerdeAce

'Sup everybody, I'm looked into the stories section for sometime and I suddenly became inspired into creating a series of my own.It's gonna include action in between the ongoing of chapters besides sex. Here it goes!!!

Chapter 1: Diamond In the Rough

An eerie place upon the street, at the brink of becoming 2 o' clock in the morning.

"...130...140...150...160...170...180...190... 200 dollars. Nice seeing you again Blondie." The man smiled as he put the roll of cash in the woman's hands. The random man walks off in the night, a happy and satisfied expression on his face.

The woman looks at the man's strut, he can't barely even walk right.

"Heh, you too...idiot." She put the roll of cash in her bra strap and lit a cigarette. Exhaled the smoke, followed by a dull expression. "Time to go home Jewel..." She then flipped her blonde hair from her eyes and walked eagerly out of the alley. She passed other people like herself as she walked on, no not like herself; They're doing it for survival. To tell you the truth, she even doesn't need any money. She's pulling money out of her late dad's investments so she's still got money in her afterlife! So why is she doing this? Just for the thrill, that's what she tell herself, just something to occupy her bored-full life. Now the only problem with that, she's gotten used to it a long time ago. Now she just does it trying to look for something different other than men stressed on their marriage lives. She walked passed another alley, but spotted something unusual other than what she saw every other night. She halted and gazed upon a standing dark voluptuous woman behind a garbage dumpster, her back on the wall and looking down grinning at what seems to be...another woman? It could've be anybody behind that dumpster, all that she could tell is that the other person wore high heels. She listened on, hearing slurping sounds coming from below. 'Odd.' She thought as she looked on.

The brown, green-haired woman behind the dumpster suddenly made groaning sounds and yelled "I'm g-gonna cum!!!" She then motioned as she grabbed the mysterious person's head and drew her close. After a minute of wincing and heavy breathing. The woman sighed and announced "Ahh, you're so good with your tongue! Too bad we have to end this now..." The woman slowly turned her head and looked out the alley, at the only onlooker that was spying on them. She sported a devious grin as she stared back.

Jewel with a surprised look on her face, puffed another smoke from her drooping cigarette.

"Hmph, stupid lesbo." She then continued walking on past the alley. She could hear a sound of laughter from the alley, but she didn't bother going back there. 'Did she know I was standing there the whole time?'

She finally made it to her violet Bentley on the end of an abandoned parking lot a block where she was previously. As she dug in her purse for keys, she flinched at the noise of a gunshot. The smoke fell from her mouth a