Surfing Sisters (Very new at writing stories)

Story by hanrisk

I've lurked the palace for quite awhile now and I figured id take a crack at writing these stories. Forgive me if my english is kind of rusty, i speak it as a second language

Good god its been one hell of a week. Where to begin! Well I guess I should go from where I think it all started, First I should tell you a bit about myself. My names Jen, Jen Dukeson. Im pretty much your average girl, Or at least I was. Im about 5' 4" Dirty blonde hair, Nicely tanned, with 36B Breasts. Anyways, back to my story. I was out on the ocean getting away from my family friends and such. See im a big surfer. Good enough to have fun but bad enough to not be a pro. It was about dusk and I was about to head in because it was starting to get chilly. Im on my way in when one of the douche jetskiers that like to bug the living hell out of me starts to give me wake (Thats riding right up next to somebody just to cause waves for you that dont know most of the lingo) "Nice ass Jen! When you gonna wax my board down?" "The second you get something I can stand on!" I like to let them think They have a chance with me. Im about half way to shore when He tries to soak me by doing a really hard turn. I dont know what the hell made him think he could do it but he lost control and well needless to say, I got hit.

I woke up about a week later in the Hospital, I can hear my mom Flipping through a magazine to my left and I hear G4 on the TV so I know my sister Kylee is in the room too. I open my eyes and say "Is my board ok?" Immediately my mom drops the magazine and rushes over to me, "Jen! Didnt I tell you surfing was gonna kill you one of these days!" I wince at the sound of my mom yelling and realize my head is POUNDING. "Okokokok mom, sorry. Ill lay off surfing for a few months.... So whats the damage? Did they remove anything?" I ask with a grin. "Well, You really did a number on yourself, You were tore up pretty bad, They had to transplant a new liver and I think part of a lung into you hun"

Suddenly it hits me, This was alot worse then just missing a wave and bellyflopping. I got seriously hurt. A few weeks later the Hospital releases me after all SORTS of tests. They wanted me to do a ton of other ones but i said enough is enough. They gave me some Antibiotics and hormones for the Liver and stiches just to make sure I dont get infected or my body doesnt have a late

rejection and start killing the liver.

I really should have read that hormones bottle better. The only thing I can really remember at this point was the name.. Something like Futametafine...No wait... Futanaraminth? Something like that.

Anyways I took a few a day and drowned it in soda like I always do...Thats another thing I love about my body, I have a REALLY fast metabolism so i can eat and eat and eat and barely gain any weight.

Over the next few da