
Story by distress

Hey guys and girls, it's me here distress your friendly neighbourhood lurker. I think this is my first post. I thank people sometimes though. I should do it more often, I know, and I do apologise.

Been lurking here for a while but... uh... just don't post much. I'm quiet. It's my nature to lurk.

Anyhoo here's my first attempt at a story. Giving something back to the community I guess. Haven't seen many new stories recently. Saddening.

I haven't really done much research into the physics of all this but if anyone wants to take issue, then, jesus folks it's a futa story. Plz. :P Also there's poor punctuation in the first bit, this is to represent drunkenness. Also if you think it's too blabby, check that out over to the right, what's that? Is that a scroll bar? How awesome.

No futa in chapter one but plz I wouldn't be posting it here if it wasn't at least on the horizon! Ok enjoy yourself.



by me, distress



"Come on you alco" teased Alecia as she pulled Maddy out of the cab.

Maddy stumbled a little before regaining her balance, then sat down on the grass anyway. She laughed.

"Thanks," said Alecia, trying as hard as she could not to slur her words as she paid the cabbie. Seconds later he'd sped out into the night.

It was the night of their nineteenth birthday, and they'd just got back from clubbing with their friends.

"That bouncer was soooo nice," mumbled Maddy, to nobody in particular.

Their fake IDs didn't even have the same last names as each other despite their obvious relation, and he'd let them and their friends in anyway.

"Lex where did... you put the keys?" she asked, prompting Alecia to walk confidently to the fake key rock on the side of the garden.

She picked it up and threw it to Maddy. "The rock knows all!" she shouted with a laugh, not even really knowing what she meant by it.

Maddy flung an arm out, but utterly failed to catch it. They both laughed some more, and Maddy crawled over to where it had landed.

"The key isnt in it," she said. "I dunno where its gone. Well have to knock."

In her addled state, Alecia's reaction was overexaggerated. "NO! NO NO NO no no we don't want to wake up dad. We should have a look at the back door first."

Maddy pulled herself up from the ground and hugged her twin. "You are so smart, Lex," she said.

Holding hands, they stumbled down the little path down the side of the house. Alecia tripped on the raised trapdoor that led to the basement and let out a yelp.

"What happened?" asked Maddy, unable to see. The front yard had been lit by streetlights, but the side path was considerably darker.

"I fell on the basement," slurred Alecia. "Come help me up Im too dizzy."

"Where are you?" asked Maddy, feeling around. Alecia flailed an arm, and Maddy caught it. She pulled, and soon Alecia was in her arms.

"You smell nice," Alecia said, her voice muffled as her face was nuzzled on Maddy's shoulder.

Maddy laughed. "Thanks," she sa