
Story by WotanAnubis

TITLE: Reclassed

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis

FANDOM: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Fire Emblem or the characters from it. No profit is made.


PAIRING: Lena/Shiida

NOTE: When playing Fire Emblem, I usually insist on two things: recruiting everybody and keeping everybody alive. Unfortunately, the new/old Shadow Dragon makes it impossible for me to accomplish both at the same time. So, to temporarily drown the anguished wailing of my inner perfectionist, have some random smut.

* * * * *

Lena kneeled within the quiet confines of her tent and tried to pray. She'd donned the white, clerical robes of her real calling for tonight, since she'd hadn't worn them for far too long. She knew she could not really blame Marth for this, though part of her would have liked to. These were dark times after all, and if it was necessary for her to focus her talents on harming rather than healing then she would so without complaint.

But this twisting of her magic weighed on her. Even more so ever since...

Lena closed her eyes and prayed, attempting to banish the thought from her head. For the first time in her life she whispered the words. She'd always believed there was no need for that. Now she needed the noise, if only to stop her mind from wandering.

There was no reply. There never had been, of course, but that hadn't bothered her before. Her road had always been clear, or at least not so strewn with obstacles that she required divine intervention.

But right now she needed a sign. A hint that what she was doing was right. That she wasn't being punished for changing the way she used her magic.

Just one small sign.

Lena jumped when she heard a sudden rustling. Looking around she was partly relieved and partly disappointed to see the princess Shiida entering her tent.

"Can I help you?" the red-haired cleric asked.

"Not particularly," said Shiida. "Am I interupting something?"

Lena stood up and brushed down her white robes. Then she turned around and sat down again with slightly more speed than was proper. "Not really," she replied.

The blue-haired princess smiled vaguely. "Should I call you Sister Lena again?"

"No need," Lena said, barely managing to return her smile. "I simply feel more comfortable wearing these robes."

"You don't look very comfortable," Shiida said.

"Why are you here?" Lena asked before the princess could say anything more.

"No particular reason," Shiida said. "There are many fine men in our army, but sometimes I simply prefer the company of a woman."

Lena tried not to give the princess a strange look. There had been a certain... edge to her words. She'd noticed it before. Shiida was always as courteous and graceful as was expected from a princess, but sometimes it seemed that was a mere mask for impishness. It sometimes nearly seemed like she laughed at people even when she was as polite as should be expected.

"I see," said the cleric.

"However, it seems I will not find that compan