Vat Sisters

Story by WotanAnubis

TITLE: Vat Sisters

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis


NOTE: This story came a lot easier to me than most - none of that 'staring at the screen for ten minutes for every sentence'. I wonder if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

WARNING: Clonesex

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Jennifer Saint's real name was GCP3DG-JS16 and that told everyone everything they could possibly want to know about her. She was a 'created human', or 'gen' to those who didn't keep up with Earth's latest political correctness fad. She was a DG-series peacekeeper model grown by GenCorp and the sixteenth of her particular batch. She didn't know how many others had been in that batch, but one of her few pleasures in life was fantasising about finding out and then setting out to find all the JS's out there.

She knew it was a common gen fantasy, which was why she was the only GCP3DG-JS on the station.

Still, Jennifer wouldn't have really minded that she was the only gen of her series on the station if it hadn't been for the plain fact that there was nothing to do on the station. It floated somewhere on the edge of inhabitated space and the only visitors were colonists delivering whatever goods they had managed to produce on their distant, isolated planets and traders seeking to make a modest profit by selling those very same colonists whatever was fashionable in the busier regions of space. So while the station was, in its way, busy and thriving, to Jennifer it was just boring. She'd been grown to be a peacekeeper, which meant she only got really interested in trouble. If there was no trouble there was literally nothing that could hold her interest, except her own private daydreams.

Currently she was standing to attention near airlock 3. Apparently, someone somewhere had decided that their boring little station needed some more security personnel and so she had been sent along with Peters and Opal to welcome them.

"Where are these guys from, anyway?" Opal asked.

"Not sure," Peters replied. "I think it was Arcturus VI."

"Yeah? What kind of planet was that?" Opal asked.

"Beats me," said Peters.

"Wonder what they did to get sent all the way out here. What do you think, Jen?"

Jennifer gave her two technically colleagues a blank look. "I honestly don't care."

Opal sighed. "Why do I even bother?"

"Never met much gens, did you?" Peters said.

"Not really," Opal admitted. "My dad had one, but she was... you know... recreational."

Jennifer returned her gaze to the airlock and tried to ignore the tedious chattering. She'd happily take a bullet for either of them, of course. It was her job after all. In a way, it was her purpose. She just wished they wouldn't be so... tiring.

"Heads up," Peters said when the airlock began to hiss. "Here they are."

The doors slid open and suddenly the universe was filled with beauty.

"Oh no," Opal moaned. But somehow his voice came from very far away.

A few men and women in uniform had left the airlock, but Jennifer hadn't really noticed them.