
Story by WotanAnubis

TITLE: Unwritten

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis

FANDOM: Odin Sphere

DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters and am not making a profit.


PAIRING: Velvet/Gwendolyn

NOTE: You know, I can remember a time when I made it a point of finishing a game before writing fic for it. Whatever happened to that?

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Gwendolyn delayed opening her eyes for as long as she could. After all, she was less than eager to see the husband her father had punished her with. Still, the problem with delaying the inevitable is that it cannot go on forever.

The banished valkyrie opened her eyes and felt her heart rise when she beheld the beauty looking down at her. But more than the love the spell was even now forcing on her, Gwendolyn felt genuinely confused.

"Is this some sort of cruel joke?" she asked.

"No," Velvet replied.

Gwendolyn sat up and regarded the forest witch. She couldn't help but notice how her manner of dress was somewhat minimal or how attractive her mostly visible body was. But that was the spell making her notice that. It wasn't really her, of course.

"Then would you mind explaining what is going on?" Gwendolyn asked, tearing her eyes away.

"I'm merely returning a favour," Velvet replied. "You did save my life, so I felt I owed you at least something."

"Will you lift this spell on me?" Gwendolyn asked, trying not to sneak glances at the witch.

"No, I am not that powerful. My intention is merely to let the love curse focus on me."

"Why? We are sisters."

There was a brief, bitter laugh. "As far as I am concerned, Odin is not my father. But that is irrelevant. I cannot stop the fact that one day you will be little more than a caged bird. However, I can at least spare you the humiliation of having to love your captor."

Gwendolyn turned to look at the scarlet witch and instantly realised her mistake. She doubted she would be able look away from her fair face a second time. Still, it needed to be said.

"Thank you."

Velvet nodded and rose, affording the banished valkyrie an even better view of her shapely body. "I shall leave you now," she announced, "before the spell can bloom too much."

Before the witch could move, Gwendolyn reached out and grabbed her arm. "Wait," she said. "At least allow me to give you a... a proper thanks."

Velvet gave her a curious look, then pulled free. "Is that you saying that or is it the spell?"

Gwendolyn blinked. "I... I cannot truly say," she replied. "I know the desire in my heart to be mostly artificial, but I cannot tell if it is fully so. Perhaps your kindness is making some of it genuine."

Velvet smiled. "Don't be so quick to judge me kind," she said. "So, are you saying you actually want to give yourself to me?"

"It... yes," Gwendolyn replied. "If nothing else it would spare me the shame of having my arranged husband as my first lover."

"Is that so?" the forest witch said. "Let me test that resolve."

Gwendolyn waited for Velvet to explain herself further, but soon noticed there was no need. The s