
Story by Zexion

I'm by no means a writer but over the past few years Iv'e done a few short storys. A couple I have planned are a very old story I came up with years ago called 'Lockhearts' and this is the begining of one I'm calling 'X-U' Not so much of an original story, this one is more of a fanfic, based in the X-Universe from the X games.

The original story behind the games is very in depth so I thought to create this prologue before getting stuck into the main story as a buffer for the readers as well as a reference for me.

Anyways to the point, this prologue is a timeline given by a certian unnammed priest but you should know this part of the story has no sex futa or funny stuff in it lol so if thats what your after, you should skip this one and wait for the first actual chapter. ^^


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“The following is my personal collaboration of a timeline that I would like to consider an official report of our history, however all my tireless work over the past 40 Jazuras will not be heard by the Argon government. They deny the truth staring them right in the face and will not listen to any of the files of origin. Still I feel my research has not been in vain, my fellow priests have been by my side over these harsh times.

Today a terrible report was aired over the Argon central sectors, although unconfirmed, the report stated a Boron M1 and it’s entire escort were attacked by ships of the Xenon. With the Kha’ak continuing their vicious assault on us and our allies, a reappearance of the Xenon would be nothing short of disastrous for our race.

As I look onto the cloudbase from this great temple my health leaves me, I know I am not long for this world, but my heart is filled with no regret as I know what I have documented in my life will be entered into the book of truth.

My life has been greatly enlightened by my encounter with one man, what better way to create a report on the ancients than to hear the words of an ancient himself? I remember his face as he stood in this very room where we first met, he too looked out onto the beauty of the cloudbase from this window. We sat here talking for hours on end, enjoying the tastes of space fuel. I listened intently to his every word, taking in everything, and so I dedicate this report to this man, Captain Kyle William Brennan. I do not know what happened to Kyle after he left this universe, but I prey to the Gods he found his way home… to Earth.”

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“From the reports of Kyle Brennan, Earth time is split into 2 sections… 3rd section added Ã