Salvation or Damnation

Story by Evilpancake

Ok so i've been reading stories here for a while and i decided to start one of my own.

Now as to my little disclaimer before i begin, this is intended to be a story with a story, not just straight action. Its going to be slow going, im not even sure if anything will happen within the first 2-3 chapters but it will eventually since this is more of a labor of love so to speak than anything. The setting is a long time fantasy of mine (i really dont like the word "fantasy" for this but its best fit). Any similarity between this story and movies of the type is strictly coincidental, as i've been having these ideas since before i saw one, especially the last big hit which this might seem similar to.

This is mainly like i said a startup chapter so any criticism is appreciated, but please if you say "it sucks" give a reason. I'm well aware that my story weaving isnt up to par of some of the authors here but im trying.

I'll be following up with many more chapters if i get enough good feedback. If the consesus is "meh" then i'll probably keep writing since im more writing it for myself, i just wont post it anymore unless someone specifically asks.

Oh and yes im purposefully vague about the background just to see if i can make people guess what the setting is before i come out and say it. :19:


Chapter 1

The buzzing of my alarm clock woke me just after sunrise; the bolted and secured windows hid the soft light from the morning sun. I awoke fully in a matter of a few seconds, force of habit I guess, I didn’t really have the luxury of being lazy…not anymore. The chill of the hardwood floor against my bare feet helped to jolt me into reality easier. Flipping on the switch for the hot water I headed for the kitchen.

I still had some Cheerios left and would have to finish them before I opened another box of cereal. Cocoa Pebbles were next in line; at least that was something to look forward to, I really liked that cereal. Carrying the bowl into the living room I set it down on my table and unlatched the window panels and opened them wide; letting the sunrise warm my skin before I retrieved my breakfast and turned on the TV, at least I could watch the Yankee’s win again, recorded or not it was always satisfying to watch them pound the Red Sox.

Staring briefly at my bowl of cereal I longed for some milk to pour into it, I missed milk; dry cheerios were bland at best. However with practiced distaste I was even able to hide my grimace as I chewed the breakfast that was supposedly good for my heart. I guess I needed as much good as I could get nowadays.

No sooner had I settled into the soft couch but